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November 7, 2020

Trump’s COVID-19 relief executive activities: Everything occurring today.

Here’s what you want to learn about President Trump’s executive activities, what they pay, in which they fall short, and also what’s happened because he signed them.

Can Trump’s new executive orders help you or hurt you?

A lot has occurred since President Donald Trump took unilateral action earlier this month. Trump signed one executive order and three memoranda on Aug. 8 after negotiations stalled between negotiators on Capitol Hill about the next economic stimulus package (which would incorporate a second stimulus check ).

Trump’s COVID-19 relief executive activities range from working to impede evictions, extend unemployment benefits and pause payroll taxation, and finally provide more help to Americans damaging financially from the continuing coronavirus pandemic.

Instantly, critics started indicating that Trump’s orders might fall short in ways that the bigger stimulus package could reach, like providing a second stimulus check. So what’s occurred because Trump signed the directives and how does that affect your own check?

We broke down all four of those directives, such as the openings which could keep them from being effective at all.

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What’s occurred because Trump signed the executive action?

Talks are still postponed despite ongoing name-calling and finger-pointing that indicates both sides understand the need for a relief package. The Senate adjourned until Labor Day and the home, after returning to pass legislation to give funding for the USPS, so much have gaveled in on a few pro forma sessions. Since negotiations are in a deadlock,” White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said that the administration is looking at other executive activities, like for the airline business. There’s also the possibility of smaller, separate relief packages rather than one large package. Senate Republicans intend to introduce a "skinny" coronavirus stimulus package that may include $10 billion targeted at fixing the US Post Office budget crisis and $300 in yearly unemployment benefits which may be like an executive action signed by Trump. On Saturday, the House passed a bill which prohibited recent changes to the US Postal Service which may change up to 80 million individuals ‘s ability to vote by mail during the November presidential elections. The bill also provides $25 billion in additional funds for the USPS, which was to be included from the Democrat-authored Heroes Act. It’s not probable that the legislation will make it through the Senate.

Not much has changed with Trump’s orders and talks are still stalled on the stimulus package.

What would the executive action mean for my stimulus check?

So far, the response depends on whether Republicans and Democrats in Congress could agree on a different coronavirus economic stimulus package that comprises a new form of payments for eligible Americans. That is due largely in part to the trouble states may have implementing Trump’s orders generally. (Read on for a breakdown of those orders)

Trump’s memorandum on unemployment benefits said the national government would contribute $300, and states could contribute the remaining $100 to make up the $400 payment allocated from the memo (down from the $600 of their CARES Act, which ended July 31). "

On Aug. 11, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the unemployment benefit may begin in a "week or two," but as of Tuesday, tests haven’t already been sent out.

Here’s a breakdown of all four of Trump’s requests:

$400 unemployment benefit, using a catch.

What it is: After Trump’s memorandum, the national government would contribute $300 of the $400 payment allocated from the memo (down from the $600 of their CARES Act, that ended July 31). Individual states — currently pinching pennies during the coronavirus outbreak — are responsible for the remaining $100 per individual per week, retroactively starting Aug. 1.

Arizona is the first state to ship the $300 as of Aug. 18.

Again, governors have bristled at footing 25% of their invoice in a pandemic. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom said that huge budget cuts will be needed to execute Trump’s plan. He estimated that matching 25% for unemployment benefits would cost California approximately $700 million per week.

"It could create a burden the likes which a country as large as California couldn’t consume without, again, enormous cuts to important services," Newsom said during a media conference.

There’s some question concerning the legality and practicality of a number of these orders.

The way the unemployment benefit could be funded: Trump is unilaterally trying to use leftover or unspent FEMA funds to pay unemployment benefits. Experts predict this year’s hurricane season will see an "exceptionally active" string of storms. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, hurricanes may cost upwards of $22 billion per storm.

Additionally, last week FEMA authorized the use of federal funds to help fight the LNU Lightning Sophisticated — the biggest of the wildfires in California– burning in Napa County.

This executive action may be contested legally because the Constitution provides Congress control over federal spending. As such, Trump doesn’t have the legal authority to issue binding executive orders regarding how money ought to be spent during the coronavirus pandemic.

Eviction purchase protections: Discussed, but not revived.

The language of the only true order from the four — is complicated, but authoritative. It doesn’t really stop evictions. In fact, the Aspen Institute indicates that up to 40 million Americans could lose their houses as a result of their lapsed eviction protections. This ‘s 12 percent of the overall US population.

At a press conference after the signing, Trump said that he wouldn’t let people be evicted, but didn’t specify how.

As of Aug. 25, the last remaining eviction protection established by the CARES Act vanished and the executive order provides no good replacement. Without protection in the order– or by a relief package from Congress– a federal housing crisis looms in the horizon as September lease is due in a matter of days for tens of thousands of tenants.

Will there be another check in the mail for a one-time stimulus payment or enhanced unemployment?

The present directive leaves the decision to prohibit evictions at the palms of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield, carrying no official position . Additionally, it doesn’t say whether it is going to provide financial aid to tenants, leaving that choice to Mnuchin and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

In contrast, the CARES Act prohibited late penalties and eviction filings until July 25 on possessions backed by national loan programs such as Fannie Mae, or those that receive federal funds such as HUD.

Student loan repayment deferral extends deadline.

The White House’s memorandum on student loan deferral proceeds to waive student loan until Dec. 31, extending the present relief under the CARES Act that’s set to expire Sept. 30 by two months.

There’s a catch: Trump’s memo applies to loans "held by the Department of Education," that doesn’t include privately held student loans, like through a financial institution.

If your student loan is deferred, it’s potential you will need to make up the full amount later.

The contentious tax cut: The way that it works.

A pet project of Trump’s that he’s been pushing for months, the "payroll tax holiday" seeks to reevaluate your federal tax withholding, which least $10,000 usually means you’d take home more cash per paycheck — briefly. Because this is a deferral and not tax forgiveness, you would still need to pay those taxes following the deferral period passes, though without needing to pay additional tax or interest. The memo includes terminology to explore avenues for removing the deferred tax entirely.

The memo’s language specifies that Mnuchin, as Treasury secretary, can exercise his authority to "reevaluate the withholding, payment and deposit of their tax. " In accordance with the US Code mentioned, Mnuchin could extend this for one year.

Payroll taxes fund Social Security and Medicare. In a letter to the Senate on Monday, Social Security Chief Actuary Stephen Goss said that when a permanent payroll tax cut were put in position, the program could be from funding by mid-2023 (Goss quotes this when the change were to take effect for earnings starting Jan. 1, 2021.)

Congress is authorized with writing and passing legislation concerning financial choices. The White House can’t forgive taxation without Congressional consent. Trump signaled on Aug. 7 that he’s unconcerned with being sued.

"Well, you always get sued.

How could an executive order differ from legislation?

So far, the executive activities signed by Trump will cover only the four themes above, in place of the large extent of either the Democrats’ or Republicans’ stimulus proposals. Democrats have said that an executive order won’t go far enough.

Schumer has pointed out particulars that the orders lacked. While there might be action taken with this at the long run, so far, Trump’s recently signed policies Don’t address:

Testing, tracing and treatment of COVID-19 Cash needed to safely reopen schools and supply personal protective gear Food assistance Assist for local and state authorities Cash ensuring that elections could be safely carried out Cash to keep post offices open to elections.

There are limits to the president’s executive powers, which might be put to the test in the forthcoming days.

Will negotiations over the stimulation package last?

Both Democratic and White House negotiators are open to talks continuing. "If we could get a reasonable deal, we’re willing to take action this week," Mnuchin said.

If the two sides do reach an agreement, September looks like a probable time, and stimulus legislation potentially could go to get a vote . Both chambers have to vote ahead of the legislation lands on Trump’s desk for his signature.

If you’re searching for more information, we’ve looked at how soon you might get your next stimulus check compared the HEALS, CARES and Heroes stimulation suggestions.

Lori Grunin contributed to this story.

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