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Best Super Mario 64 ROM Hacks Worth Playing_529

November 4, 2020

I’ve always been impressed by the drive of men and women who make mods and ROM hacks for their favorite games. It’s created by fans, for fans, and that’s only a gorgeous thing.

Nintendo is known for being hard on ROM hacking communities, however they endure thanks to the love every one of these creators. And consider Super Mario 64, arguably one of the best platformers from Nintendo’s library… it has got a great deal on the market.

I have recently gotten into hacks to get Nintendo’s classic Super Mario 64 and that I can not help but admire the work put into them.

It is especially impressive considering the weird and frankly antique way the sport is coded, which is to be anticipated from a pioneer of the 64-bit era.

I will do my part to fan the flames of ROM hacking and then discuss what I think would be the 10 finest Super Mario 64 ROM hacks ever made. Let’s dive in!


A fairly good choice to test out ROM hacks and choose whether it’s for you would be Kampel64’s SM64: The Green Stars.

It adds many degrees and showcases a whole lot of what’s possible through all these modifications.

It features 130 celebrities to accumulate throughout many custom levels. Some of that you will need to find by exploring the overworld having a detective’s lens, since the creator made it a point to conceal every secret link mario bros ds rom website

The reason why it is not higher in the ranking is that the caliber of level design changes more than it needs to.

Many areas are so easy they are boring, whereas others need a few hyper-specific trick jumps and feats only an expert could pull off without stressful 200 times.

9. Super Mario 64: Kirby Edition

If you would like to begin with something more ambitious then contemplate SM64: Kirby Edition by creator Dudaw.

This hack replaces the traditional red-capped plumber using the lovable Kirby.

It had been the very first complete personality hack ever released on SM64, and despite the practice being more common nowadays I would say the gloss level is still striking.

Not only does Kirby go and glide as the character needs to. But power-ups are altered to turn the pink puff into a Boo or even a Thwomp, mimicking his replicate ability.

You can also ride Kirby’s signature Warp Star on certain levels. Neat!

8. Super Mario 64 Land

Anyone who’s been following the SM64 ROM hacking landscape is familiarized with Kaze Emanuar, the hard-working visionary behind a lot of the very challenging and awesome hacks for the timeless game.

It’s less scope than some of the others but the exact same quality.

It plays a lot like Super Mario 3D Land, featuring 33 new amounts which are much more linear than the ones existing in vanilla.

Mario also includes a couple of new moves to oppose them. Namely, a Butt Bounce along with also an Aerial Dive, which you’ll find remarkably helpful.

7. Super Mario 64: Star Revenge Redone

Developed by ROM hacking personality BroDute and several collaborators, the Star Revenge series is one of the very prolific hack set in existence. Counting more than six chief releases and also a ton of remakes.

SM64: Star Revenge Redone is actually the most updated version of this first hack. It includes over 125 new stars to gather over 13 different levels.

What makes this hack unique, other than the surreal humor and self-referencing jokes, is its complex lore and an overarching story you would have to play with each launch to understand.

Should you wish to embark on that pursuit, this is where to get started.

6. Super Mario Bros. 64

For something remarkably less complex we’ve Kaze Emanuar’s Super Mario Bros. 64, which brings back the side-scrolling platformer allure of older Mario games such as Super Mario World.

But rendered in SM64’s 3D engine. Wonderful, right?

I love the way the camera angle is tilted only at the right angled angle so that you can enjoy thickness without repainting the side-scrolling view entirely.

You can play as many characters from the Mario world like Luigi, Wario, fan-favorite Waluigi, along with Mario himself.

5. Super Mario 74

Sometimes all we’re searching for is a more challenging experience from our all time favorite games.

If that’s you, think about Super Mario 74 from Lugmilors.

It includes 120 new stars to get in its numerous custom levels, all of which pose a much greater problem than your normal vanilla SM64 specific situation.

That includes most boss fights, which now have additional challenges like having to swing Bowser greater to reach the bombs.

As soon as you clean it you could go to play Super Mario 74 Extreme Edition, which is a more ridiculous, Kaizo-level battle.

4. Super Mario 64 Sapphire

Considering that the artisanal nature of ROM hacking generally, I would say most of these games have… varying levels of quality, to say the very least.

Yet one of the most consistently great hacks around is NebulaSM64’s Super Mario 64 Sapphire, a short but sweet encounter comprising 30 stars spread across six amazing levels.

And these levels feature some of their most beautiful landscapes ever found with this 64-bit engine.

If you’re looking for a fast Mario fix using a twist on SM64 then that is it.

3. Super Mario: Star Road

I believe in showing respect and appreciation for pioneering efforts in almost any area.

This large ROM hack has been among the first ones with almost any mainstream appeal outside the hardcore ROM hacking network.

It sports 130 stars to accumulate in certain excellent amounts, introduces new enemies, also has a revamped soundtrack which gives it the sense of a genuine sequel.

Considering the intense focus on tight platforming, additionally, it is important to note all of the work put into creating a more favorable camera compared to the original.

2. Super Mario 64: The Missing Stars

Another classic hack that revamps several vital technical aspects from the game is Frauber’s SM64: The Lost Stars.

It sports a day/night cycle, a much better camera, and a lot of other tweaks which improve gameplay.

You can even go through its ten degrees as Luigi if you are tired of the plumper brother.

With updated bosses, new enemies, and remixed audio which includes some original compositions made particularly for the hack, it seems to be an entirely fresh take on the SM64 formula.


If there’s one ROM hack worthy of being considered SM64’s sequel, it needs to be Last Impact by Kaze Emanuar.

It features a great deal of custom assets, new bosses created out of scratch, and new power-ups. All really cool stuff, such as a Yoshi which you’re able to ride and Super Mario Sunshine’s FLUDD, one of the items.

This game is a technical marvel!

Every one of the new degrees is completely different from what we’re utilised to seeing. And getting every one of the 130 new celebrities presents several specific challenges.

There is a level at which you are going to have to play Mario Party games to get the coveted body!

Sure, it could get a tad wonky here and there. And it is not without a fair share of bugs.

But that’s to be expected of such an enormous undertaking, and also something you can generally dismiss because this rom hack really is SM64’s following level.

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