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Greatest Monotype Runs for Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

November 2, 2020

As I am composing and writing this blog article, Pokémon Go is publishing Sinnoh Pokémon on the roads. I really like the different generations for a reason or the other but Generation 4 seems to have a particular place in my heart because was when I got back into Pokémon after a very long hiatus. In particular, Pokémon Platinum rankings as among my favorite Pokémon games as they took Diamond and Pearl and enhanced everything about those games creating a top notch classic.

But we are here in order to ascertain which types are the very best for a Monotype (or solitary Type) Run which is a run in which you just capture and train one kind of Pokémon. And regrettably, the Sinnoh games have been either hit or miss. Although more Pokémon have been released, Diamond and Pearl just have 150 Pokémon available so you get some fairly average runs. Platinum happily adds 60 greater Pokémon to Sinnoh which creates a good deal of types doable or splendid.

I’ve written previous articles on Monotype Run so check out those. However, for people who are unfamiliar here are some rules.

  1. Just Pokémon of a specific type might be caught and educated.
  2. You must grab the very first Pokémon available of this type if your newcomer does not match that kind (you will then have to discount that beginner ).
  3. You can instruct a Pokémon that evolves to stated kind as long as you do it ASAP.
  4. No trading allowed
  5. Just Pokémon caught before Elite Four are all counted.

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Without further ado, let’s take a look! A list of complete team combinations are found below as well.

The Very Best Types

Beginning with the top tier I’d state the Water, Poison, Normal, Beloved, Steel, and Struggling types are types you should go for because of their commonality, early availability and type policy. This is the very first time in the series where Poison can shield itself from Psychic attacks thanks to Drapion and Stuntank and if you’ve Roserade, Toxicroak, Crobat, along with Tentacruel financing you up you’re in for a good moment. Fighting types meanwhile possess a near consistent occurrence-rate as you have Chimchar as your starter and then afterwards you have Medicham, Toxicroak, and, naturally, Lucario. Water is amazing as standard but this conduct is exceptional as you got Empoleon who’s incredibly infrequent and astonishing. Empoleon’s presence also makes the Sinnoh matches a hidden gem for a metal group, certainly do not miss it here.

Meanwhile, the Platinum enriches these kinds farther and make Ground along with Flying types amusing…thanks tooooo Gliscor! Gliscor’s amazing type combo enhances both of these types and come-on, it’s Gliscor, they’re the very best. You Can Also train a Mamoswine for Earth and a Togekiss and Yanmega for Flying.

The Worst Forms

Like routine, Dragon along with Ice are types I strongly urge against. In spite of Platinum these kinds suffer because of late game accessibility (especially Ice), limited selections, and bad coverage. Additionally, if you are playing Diamond or Pearl, Fire along with Electric are fairly abysmal. Sure, you can catch both kinds early on however there are hardly any of them. Platinum improves their diversity and makes them more doable but it will surely be a walk at the park. Dark types are also rather dismal if your enjoying Pearl or Platinum as they’re accessible mid-game in the best and there’s a lackluster diversity. Fortunately, at Diamond, you can grab a Murkrow at Eterna Forest following the first gym.


If you skipped ahead and hunted through the record, you might have discovered Spiritomb is lacking from the Dark and Publish kind lists. That is because he is among the toughest non-legendary Pokémon to catch. You want to acquire the Old Keystone, that is not too difficult, but you also have to speak to 32 people in the underground. They have to be actual individuals too and not NPCs! Thankfully, you’ll only need another individual with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum to perform it. However, since you want an additional copy of the match in order to get Spiritomb this disqualifies Spiritomb based on our rules. Nevertheless, Dark type still has impartial policy thanks to Drapion.

Team Combinations


Ideal Team: Vepiquen, Wormadam (Steel and Ground form), Heracross, Dustox, Mothim/Yanmega (Platinum)/Scyther (Platinum)

Optional Pokémon: Kricketune, Beautifly

First Pokémon: Kricketot via Route 202 before the first fitness center

Covers Weaknesses?


First Pokémon: Murkrow can be captured at Eterna Forest after the first fitness center in Diamond. In Pearl, you can grab a Skorupi in the Great Marsh well after the third gym. In Platinum, you can acquire an Eevee in Hearthome City just before the third gym.

Covers Weaknesses? Yes


Ideal Team: Garchomp, Dialga (Diamond)/ / Palkia (Pearl)/Giratina (Platinum), Altaria (Platinum)

First Pokémon: Gible in Wayward Cave. In Diamond and Pearl you will need strength that is after the 6th fitness center. In Platinum, strength is not required and you may catch one after the next health.

Covers Weaknesses? Just in Diamond because of Dialga but in the other two versions, Pearl includes a Dragon Platinum and weakness has both a Dragon and Ice weakness


Ideal Team: Luxray, Raichu, Jolteon (Platinum), Rotom (Platinum), Magnezone (Platinum), Electabuzz (Platinum Card )

First Pokémon: Shinx at Route 202 before the first gym

Covers Weaknesses? Just in Platinumin Diamond and Pearl the Ground kind is not neutralized.

Fairy (technically does not exist yet but if it did…)

Ideal Team: Mr. Mime, Clefable, Azumarill, Gardevoir (Platinum), Togekiss (Platinum)

First Pokémon: Cleffa/Clefairy at Mt Coronet following the second gym

Covers Weaknesses? No, Steel or Poison not coated


Optional Pokémon: Machoke

Covers Weaknesses? Yes


Ideal Team: Infernape, Rapidash, Flareon (Platinum), Houndoom (Platinum), Magmar (Platinum)

First Pokémon: Chimchar via newcomer

Covers Weaknesses? No, Water and Earth not neutralized


Ideal Team: Gyarados, Vespiquen/Yanmega (Platinum), Drifblim, Honchkrow (Diamond), Gliscor (Platinum), Tropius (Platinum)

Optional Pokémon: Staraptor/Noctowl/Chatot/ / Togekiss (Platinum), Pelipper/Mantine

First Pokémon: Starly through Route 201

Covers Weaknesses? Just in PlatinumCard, in Diamond and Pearl the Electric and Rock types Aren’t neutralized.


Ideal Team: Haunter, Drifblim, Dusclops (Platinum)/ / Mismagius (Diamond), Rotom (Platinum), Froslass (Platinum)

Optional Pokémon: Giratina (Platinum)

First Pokémon: Drifloon on Fridays in the Valley Windworks prior to the next gym

Covers Weaknesses? No, Black and Ghost moves Aren’t neutralized


Ideal Team: Torterra, Roserade, Wormadam, Abomasnow, Leafeon (Platinum), Tropius (Platinum)

Optional Pokemon: Carnivine

First Pokémon: Turtwig via newcomer

Covers Weaknesses? Fire and Flying not coated


Ideal Team: Torterra, Hippowdon, Garchomp, Gastrodon/Quagsire/Whiscash, Gliscor (Platinum)/ / Steelix, Mammoswine (Platinum)

First Pokémon: Turtwig via newcomer

Covers Weaknesses? Yes


First Pokémon: Snover/Sneasel in Diamond and Pearl on Route 216 after the sixth gym or Eevee at Hearthome City in Platinum before the next gym.

Covers Weaknesses? No, all versions weak to Steel and Fire. Diamond/Pearl also feeble to Stone and Fighting


Ideal Team: Starraptor/Togekiss (Platinum), Clefable, Snorlax, Girafarig, Ambipom, Lopunny

Optional Pokémon: Bibarel, Chatot, Noctowl, Blissey, Purugly (Pearl), Lickilicky (Platinum), Porygon (Platinum Card )

First Pokémon: Starly along with Bidoof in Route 201

Covers Weaknesses? Yes


Optional Pokémon: Haunter, Stuntank (Diamond)

First Pokémon: Zubat through Route 203 and 204 and Budew through Route 204 both of which can be captured before the first gym

Covers Weaknesses? Yes


Ideal Team: Mr. Mime/Gardevoir (Platinum), Bronzong, Medicham/Gallade (Platinum), Kadabra, Girafarig, Espeon (Platinum Card )

Optional Pokémon: Chimecho

First Pokémon: Abra via Route 203 prior to the first gym

Covers Weaknesses? Yes


First Pokémon: Geodude either Oreburgh Gate or Ravaged Course before the initial fitness center

Covers Weaknesses? In most variations Earth, Water and Fighting moves are not neutralized. In Diamond, the Rock kind is also weak to Grass and Steel moves.

Notes: Please note that you could only buy Rampardos OR Bastiodon in PlatinumCard! It depends on your Trainer ID number. If the last digit is even you get a Bastiodon and when it is strange you receive a Rampardos.


Ideal Team: Empoleon, Bastiodon (Pearl and Platinum [require an ID that ends with an even number])/Probopass (Platinum), Bronzong, Lucario, Steelix, Magnezone (Platinum Card )

First Pokémon: Piplup via newcomer

Covers Weaknesses? Yes, as long as you get a Bronzong that has got the Levitate Ability.


Optional Pokémon: Golduck, Milotic, Azumarill, Floatzel, Lumineon, Palkia (Pearl)

First Pokémon: Piplup through Starter

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